Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just for fun.....

Scientists from the University of Washington took thousands of tourists
vacation photos posted on Flickr to create fly-though, 3D models of some of
the most photographed sites in the world. Using advanced photo analysis and
modelling techniques, models have been created of the Colosseum, the Trevi
fountain and the Croatian city of Dubrovnik. Rome's most famous landmarks
were generated in less than 24 hours from 150,000 photos, while 250,000
images were scanned to make 3D models of Venice. The Croatian city was
recreated from just 4,600 images. Tiny 3D pyramids indicate the location of
where the photographer took the original image. Researchers now want to use
the technology to turn still images into photo-realistic 3D tours. Check
out some of the images at YouTube.



I mentioned Open Source software the other day. There is an easy way to get
tons of it, from the Open Source CD project.

Article at

The site is at

Tom Rule
The MaconMacGuy
Computer help, training, Websites, Processes

Web Hosting under $4 a month

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Capstone 3 Smart Art, plus a quick misc note

1) PPT Capstone 3 calls for a specific smart art. Sadly, the name has been changed. You can find it at
Relationship-->Target List
in the smart art collection

2) When the instructions call for "3D Style 6" - select a 3D style of your choice. They aren't numbered anymore.

Bottom line - I want to know if YOU know how to make it 3D.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

"Invalid Info" when opening Capstones

> I have been trying to open up capstone 2 and for some reason it says
> is invalid information.

Something in myITlab &/or Internet Explorer has changed since last year.

I had instructed you to RIGHT-click on the link and save it. THis is
apparently not working the majority of the time.

Try this:
LEFT-click on it. IE should ask you is you want to Open or Save it - I
strongly suggest SAVING it to your flash/thumb drive.

If you perchance selected OPEN - do a "Save As...." the first thing to your
drive. Trust me - it'll save you some headaches later.

Tom Rule
The MaconMacGuy
Computer help, training, Websites, Processes

Web Hosting under $4 a month

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Capstone Grading

I know - it says your score is a ZERO when you submit it. That's because I
have to grade it by hand - don't panic!

After I grade your capstone I'll put a note in with the grade - which you
can view by clicking on the score.

Don't forget these are graded on a FOUR point scale.

Tom Rule
The MaconMacGuy
Computer help, training, Websites, Processes

Web Hosting under $4 a month