Monday, March 28, 2011

Facebook Firing upheld in Court

Original article here

This ties in with what I mentioned the other day about nothing online being private. 2 workers at a Mazda dealership lost their jobs - even though they had an exemplary work record -because of several comments posted on Facebook.

"Postings that employer staffed by "crooks” and “hosed customers” justified terminations   
In what some are calling a first in Canada, the British Columbia Labour Relations Board has upheld the dismissal of two employees for Facebook posts about their employer."
Be careful!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Access Capstone 1, "What's a Network good for" grades

Those grades have been posted. Remember to click on the grade in myITlab custom view to see any notes (there won't be a note if you earned a 4/4).

A COMMON ERROR - learn from this before diving into Capstone 2 & 3!

In the filtering (the thing you did before taking the screenshot) you should have been able to figure out what you should see BEFORE doing anything (i.e. you could manually pick out the warranty items before 1/15/2008 that had NOT been completed). From there it's a matter of figuring out exaclty how to get those results.

It's a very similar process to any puzzle-type of game (video or otherwise). You KNOW there is a solution to get past the obstacle - you just have to find it. In this case you should be able to see the destination (that there should be 5 results) - you keep playing with it until you find the solution.

THE OTHER TWO CAPSTONES HAVE SIMILAR SITUATIONS. Do not assume that your filter or query is correct just because it ran. Use your common sense and doublecheck your result!

...and please - if something doesn't make sense - ask questions!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Miscellaneous Tidbits from the Web

  1. The Nintendo 3DS - a close look at it. Fascinating that they've figured out a a way to do a 3D image WITHOUT the funky glasses.
  2. Tablet Computing - i.e. tbhe Ipad - has been around a while. See a "tablet" from the 1800s!
  3. Likewise, teh mouse, which dates back from long before anyone actually made one that was usable. See the early designs here.
  4. Quibids: Here's Clark Howard's opinion: Penny auctions nothing more than an illegal game of chance

See you next week!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Alice presentation schedule

Alice presentation schedule has been updated with the latest list. Go check it out!

If you haven't signed up for a date, DO IT NOW! (The last date - Apr 28 - is full)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Excel Capstone has been graded.

The second excel capstone has been graded. Remember to click on the link in the gradebook to see my comments.

A common error:  question #12 asked you to type "-->" into a cell, where you would get an error - and then to figure out how **I** made it work.

What you do is to precede --> with a single quote, thusly:
which forces Excel to treat anything following as text.

...and a word of advice:

Several people apparently didn't take notes when I walked through the capstone in class, and it was very apparent. Everything you were required to do was gone over in class or was covered in the myITlab training.....and no one asked any questions, stated that things weren't clear, or that they didn't understand.

Don't make the same mistake with Access. You have a variety of ways to contact me - use them if things don't make sense? Ask in class [hopefully there are no more surprise doctor's visits in my life this semester!] If I hear nothing then I can safely assume that all is well.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I'm crossposting this into myITlab, so you may get this twice. I have a family thing to take care of (involving doctors) so class WILL NOT MEET this Thursday March 17.

Here's your to-do list instead:

Sign up for a day to present your Alice project by filling out this form. There area limited number of slots each day, and they go first come, first served. If you are working with a partner, ONLY ONE of you needs to fill this out.

Athletes - check your schedule to make sure there are no conflicts (if it is possible to know that this far ahead!).

Just in case, here's the direct link:

Start going through the Database training in myITlab - there's a deadline next week!

I've added a new assignment in the Mini-Projects folder. Deadline is next Tuesday BEFORE CLASS (i.e. 9:25 AM).
Do some research online.

Find FIVE things computer networks are good for &/or allow you to do, Express this IN YOUR OWN WORDS - NO copy/pasting allowed!

Type these up in a Word doc - make sure your name is in there as well - and submit it to the dropbox by the deadline.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Post spring break note.....

I had planned on recording something and posting the material online to cover the day we took off. Unfortunately a ton of other projects got in the way, so we'll just cover 2 days worth of material in class this Tuesday.

For the same reason the second Excel capstone didn't get graded - hey, it was MY spring break as well! I'm hoping to get a dent in them this evening.

Anyone else thankful for coffee in the mornings?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

CSC125: Thursday March 3

Class will not meet today.

I will be posting online  what I would have covered in class - it will introduce databases and such. MAKE SURE you watch it with your brain engaged before we come back.

Have a relaxing Spring Break!