Wednesday, December 22, 2010
...and ONE MORE THING.....!
I enjoyed teaching the class. It is always nice to have people in my classes who will ask questions! I DO get tired of hearing myself talk.
Thanks for the many comments from the 37(ish) of you who filled out the survey. Some interesting and cogent comments that have given me food for thought.
There are 2 more things you probably ought to tend to while you are reading this:
1) Unsubscribe from this email list. There should be a link at the bottom of this email that enables you to unsub - unless you really LIKE hearing from past classes!
2) unsub from the Facebook group - though I will probably kill that one off since it wasn't used much at all.
Hope you have a restful and happy Christmas!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Final Exam news
Turning in someone else' work - even just a half-paragraph - will get you an automatic F on the final and a referral to honor Council for you AND the person you "borrowed" from.
Assuming I can get the thing completed in time - it's a crazy busy week, but I'll do my best - the final will be available this coming Friday (12/10). You must complete it by Tuesday night 11:59 pm.
DO NOT GO HOME TO COMPLETE IT. Somebody tries this every semester, and it always ends in technical-related-tears. Part of the final will be taken inside myITlab, and part will be a Word doc with questions you'll be answering.
Answer these questions IN YOUR OWN WORDS - no copy/pasting! Basically you'll be proving to me that you have a modicum of understanding of the answer.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Just for fun: Worldwide Telescope
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Good tech-related vacation reading [articles]
Good vacation reading:
- Another firing over Facebook comments: Lawsuit pending Yet another reminder that Facebook is NOT a private forum
- iPad competitors: The top 20 to watch I like the iPad, but these are verrrrry interesting.....
- Top 10 Tech Scandals Yes, a bit o' scandalous junk reading.......
- Steampunk: A way of life for some designers Steampunk computers, anyone?
================= Tom Rule The MaconMacGuy Computer help, training, Websites, Processes Web Hosting under $5.50 a month ==================
Monday, November 15, 2010
Tuesday 11/16 List for Class
1. Position cursor keybd shortcuts -Line, Page,Document:
2. Invisible characters / show – demo paragraph break, space, tab, non breaking space
3. Autotext: define, setup, use
4. Views: Web vs Print vs Layout vs Reading – describe diffs
5. Margins – define, set – different ways
6. Breaks: page, column, section [a few different types]
7. Horizontal line – diff ways to insert one, format it
8. Centering Horizontally between margins AND/OR Vertically on a page
9. Page numbers in footer [Page 1 of 5]
10. Find / Replace – use it to get rid of double spaces
11. Spell / Grammar check – how, limitations, customizing
12. Font / Size / Style / Color – measuring scale, any customizing possible
13. Format Painter – a single copy, multiple copies
14. Heading 1/2/3/4 style – define, demo, modify
15. Tabs – modifying, setting, types
16. Non-breaking space – define, insert, where would be useful?
17. Indents – different kinds, how to set [multiple ways]
18. Line Spacing / Border / Shading – define, demo
19. Tables – column/row insert/delete/move/ /merge cell
20. Tables – formulas, format number
21. Word Art – ALL the options to customize
22. AUTOMATIC Table of Contents: Index Entry/Create it/format options
23. Set Username – why, how, what used for
24. Track Changes/Final showing markup
25. Reject/Accept Changes
26. Audio Comment – add audio
27. Compare/Combine/Syncronize scolling
28. Insert Subdocument
29. Citations feature
30. Hyperlink – make a graphic a hyperlink
31. “Center pix to a line”
32. Graphic Captions – a Word feature
33. Table of Figures – automatically created
Free events on Friday
2) Should be interesting - and believe me, you won't know what's coming next.... and it's free.
Why you should never trust Facebook
Off record chat w/ Facebook employee. Me: How does Zuck feel about privacy? Response: [laughter] He doesn’t believe in it.
Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard.Just ask. I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS(Friend): What? How’d you manage that one?Zuck: People just submitted it. I don’t know why.They “trust me”Dumb f**ks.
The issue affects tens of millions of Facebook app users, including people who set their profiles to Facebook’s strictest privacy settings. The practice breaks Facebook’s rules, and renews questions about its ability to keep identifiable information about its users’ activities secure.
Users can be tricked into “Like”ing pages they’re not at.
There's more.
Bottom line: Don't trust Facebook to keep your private data private. It won't happen.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Capstone Access 3 notes, screenshot
There is ALREADY an error list posted in the same folder where you download the instructions:
- Step 1j "Create a copy of this query – call it Your Name Rentals Money Owed" is in the wrong place. You should ACTUALLY create a copy of the first query you created - Your_ Name Rentals Query - and take the date limitation out of the design view.
The original query should have 86 records - this modified copy should have 89.
- Step 2b "Select By Movie" - i.e. you want the report grouped by the name of the movie.
- Step 2K "Delete the “Date Rented” column." - that is referring to the column that STARTED out as :"Date Rented", NOT the column you just changed from "Date Rented By Day".
In no particular order :
- Step 1E - you are to create a calculated field that figures out how many days late the rental was returned. Normally, you would calc DateReturned - DateDue, right? But if it was returned EARLY, then the result would be a negative number - not a good idea! So the instructions state to use the IF function [remember it from Excel?]. It works exactly the same in Access as in Excel, BUT the function is named IIF. IIF(test, value-If-true, Value-If-false).
So what you want to happen is to calculate the days late. If they are zero or less, then the days late calculated field will be zero. If it is indeed late, then put in the number of days late it is.
- Step 1J - how do you copy an existing query? Try right-clicking on the query name.
- Step 2F is where you select the Stepped and portrait options - and then you LATER complete the process of creating the report. The "do NOT...." warning there is very important!
- Step 2H - 2page view?????? Well, you could switch to print preview and notice the report doesn't fit on one page, or you could scroll the window to the right and say to yourself, "Hey, i'll bet this doesn't fit on one page".
- Step 2N - you are resizing the fields so they show all the data but they don't waste any space.
- Step 2L - uh, "Grand" total, not Grant!
- Step 2O - mentioned above.
- Steps 2P and 2Q - basically you are making the report easier to read by making some stuff on less verbose and tightening up the deisgn a bit. The "Summary for Shrek" title will be spread across three pages, for example - it needs to be quite a bit narrower. The data summarizing Shrek [or whatever movie] needs to be moved closer to its title. You should also see a line that says "Shrek = " plus some other stuff - carefully work with it so that it says “Summary for Shrek (2 detail records)”
- Below is a screenshot. Notice that the report is organized by title - then each rental is listed by date, and you can see how many days late it was returned. The "summary" shows how much in late fees the store made for that movie. A lot of 2P and 2Q is dealing with making that one line happen.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Google doodles, 6 Social mistakes to get you fired
referring to how Google will change their logo to
commemorate special dates - like PI day, or the
anniversary of the Hubble telescope, etc.
Six Facebook, Twitter mistakes that can get you fired
"Job termination due to behavior on Facebook seems
to increasingly be in the headlines. A recent survey from
email security firm Proofpoint finds seven percent of
organizations have fired an employee because of activity
on social media sites. Another 20 percent said employees
have been disciplined over social media activity. "
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Excel Capstone #2
I just uploaded the revised Capstone #2 files into myItlab. Hopefully we won't find any more errors in class tomorrow!
If you have already started on it, you should be able to copy/paste your work between spreadsheets and it will work OK. [Understand, though, I'm not GAURANTEEING that it will!]
Friday, September 24, 2010
PPT Capstone 1 grading
So the score you see in the gradebook is actually your score. Click on your score to see the underlying note.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Re: Useful Things presentation
If you know what you'd like to cover, send a message - let me know your name, which class (CSB or STET) you're in, what date you signed up for, and what website you want to "reserve". I'll add it to the calendar.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
A few odds & ends
2) I have confirmed that myITlab can be accessed using Safari [on a Mac - I presume also on a Windows machine]. You won't be able to take a test, but at least you can download the files, check messages, and check grading.
3) Remember that the Capstone grades will be a ZERO until they get graded by hand. Zero = hadn't been looked at yet. Anything else = your grade.
4) Also on the capstones - I will add a note about what was incorrect. You can access it by clicking on your score. [The same is true for all of the other grades as well - you can see additional info about the grade by clicking on the score.]
Have a weekend!
Monday, September 6, 2010
myITlab course ID
You MUST have purchased a 2007 version myITlab code, though - apparently the 2010 version won't work.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Assignment Overview
There are basically three "groups" of assignments in this course:
1. myITlab Exams/Grader projects.
These are done mostly on your own - get trained by watching/doing the training for each chapter, then EITHER take the "Project based "exam OR do the "Grader" project [if one is available].
2. Capstone projects
You download a word doc with instructions - and possibly additional files. Following the instructions, you create or modify the Powerpoint/Excel spreadsheet/Access database/Word document, then upload your final files[s]. This is also mostly done on your own, but often in class. I'll be working through these in class - HOWEVER, it might be in a non-specific way....i.e. I will demo the CONCEPTS the capstone requires, but not actually doing the capstones for you.
Taking notes is highly recommended, and will save you some headaches & time.
3. Mini-projects
So called b/c I couldn't come up with a better name. {any suggestions?} The Computer Parts project is done totally on your own, but the Alice and Useful Thing are presentations you'll do in class. We'll be spending some time with Alice - it isn't something you'll totally be figuring out on your own.
Let me know if you have questions, and keep an eye on the calendar!
-- ============================================== Tom Rule The MaconMacGuy Computer help, training, Websites, Processes Web Hosting under $5 a month ==============================================
Friday, August 27, 2010
Flash/Thumb drives
Presidential parkway, near Target - next to Eisenhower Parkway heading
towards I-475.
Multitasking NOT a good idea....."Your Brain on Computers"
Loren Frank, a professor of physiology, said downtime lets the brain go over experiences, “solidify them and turn them into permanent long-term memories.”
i.e. having downtime lets your brain stash that stuff you just learned in long-term storage, which you can then retrieve come test time!
The original article is at
You can also take the Unplugged Challenge. I dare you!
Tom Rule
The MaconMacGuy
Computer help, training, Websites, Processes
Web Hosting under $5 a month
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Presentation Schedule posted
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Microsoft Office 2007 vs 2010????????
So, what to do?
- Use Office 2010 for Windows- we'll have to "finagle" some of the capstones, I'm sure - so we'll have to have some conversations about the differences between them. I doubt you'll be able to use 2010 for the Grader projects, but it might be interesting to try it out. [The Grader projects are computer-graded, and since computers are stupid......!]
- Use a Lab computer on-campus - the Library, Room 101 in the Computer Science Building (a.k.a. CSB)
Click here for the Office purchase through Mercer's online store.
If you have friends at other schools - they can pickup Office for $80 here.
Macs: some basic info
Staying with the Windows side to get your work done will be MUCH less mentally stressful as well - less switching back and forth.
So here are your options:
1) The cheapest is to not use your Mac at all. There are machines in the Library labs available - you would save your work to your flash/thumb drive. Computer Science Lab Room 101 will be open nights.
2) Use your Mac for myItlab access, and lab computer for the capstones/Office 2007.
For this you will need to install Windows on your Mac - and you have 2 options for this path! First - swing by the Computer Science Department and pick up a copy of Windows for $25.
- Using Boot camp - you'll need the Windows disc PLUS a burnable CD or DVD (Boot camp will tell you which). Boot Camp is either in the Applications folder, or in Applications-->Utilities. This way you can choose which one to startup with - Mac or Windows - and you'll be able to do the myITlab training and exams.
- Use emulator software to run Windows. Without getting too technical here, you purchase a copy of Parallels or VM Fusion. With this you startup the Mac as normal - then startup an application called Parallels - which then cranks up Windows. The advantage: you can easily switch back and forth between the two operating systems, and you don't have to muck around with the hard drive.. Disadvantage: more complex to deal with, and the somewhat higher cost.
I can help with this. As of January 2011 Mercer Tech support is little help for Macs - a grand source of frustration for me as well!
The big tradeoffs are cost versus convenience. If you are good at scheduling things, and working ahead, you really CAN get by without having a computer at all in this class - it just isn't as convenient as having your laptop and pulling it out in your room.
Boot Camp / installing Windows etc.
Here is some basic info about Boot Camp, installing Windows, etc.
- A stash for some Boot Camp website URLs and a pdf of instructions
- Boot Camp 3 FAQ
- Boot Camp Guide
- Boot Camp - Windows 7 FAQ
- Boot Camp: Keyboard Mapping - shows the differences between the Mac kybd and a standard Windows keyboard. Scan down this article and find YOUR keyboard - there's a link to additional info specific to your keyboard.
- SERIOUSLY detailed instructions on installing Windows 7 on your Mac.
- Another Guy wrote some instructions - scan down to the Mar 06 2010 entry. It's more of a synopsis, but may be helpful.
Monday, August 9, 2010
MS Office Add-ins you should look at {article}
Lists several Office add-ins that might be useful.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
So-Called "Digital Natives" Not Media Savvy, New Study Shows
A new study coming out of Northwestern University, discovered that college students have a decided lack of Web savvy, especially when it comes to search engines and the ability to determine the credibility of search results. Apparently, the students favor search engine rankings above all other factors. The only thing that matters is that something is the top search result, not that it's legit.
"I Googled It"

That exchange sums up the overall results from this study: many students trusted in rankings above all else. In fact, a quarter of the students, when assigned information-seeking tasks, said they chose a website because - and only because - it was the first search result.
Only 10% of the students made mention of the site's author or that author's credentials while completing tasks. However, in reviewing the screen-capture footage of those respondents, the researchers found that even in this supposedly savvy minority, none actually followed through to verify the identification or qualifications of the site's authors.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Why you should be careful what you post online
Monday, April 12, 2010
Alice Presentation Schedule (11/29/10 update)
Nov 30:
Dec 2: Victoria F
Dec 7 closed : Tin W, Evan B/Hunter S, ,Thomas O/Colin B, Chih/Jarrett, Luke K
Dec 9 closed: Cole M/Jeff C, Stephanie C., Jarrett Z, Chandra/Jibri, Cassie R/Taylor C
10:40 Stetson Class
Nov 18 - Melissa L/Charlie F,
Nov 30 - Steven V, Benjamin N/Camila N, Nikki A, Daniel Q/Jonathan C, Wole O.
Dec 2 closed - John M/Michael L, Kyle M/Michael E, Chris C/Derek W, Scott C
Dec 7 closed- Kristal H, Greg C/Bradley D, Michael H/Bradley H, Jasmine D, Pun B/Varnica S, Shelley O
Dec 9 closed - Olivia W., Anthony S, Brad A/Joey U, Lucie P/Nicoleta M, Tremayne W
Pop your flash drive into the computer at the front of the class. Copy your Alice project into a designated folder on the desktop. Crank up Alice, call up your file.
BEFORE you start, talk about:
- A quick synopsis on what we're going to see
- The events you've put in place - what you press, what it does.
- What part are you particularly proud of, and why?
- What was particularly tricky to do, and how did you solve the problem?
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Alice Presentation Signup -
Friday, April 2, 2010
A bit o' Computer History - in Macon!!!!!
More info at
Computer Security: new threat posted
If you DON'T have any antivirus on your Windows machine at all, drop EVERYTHING and surf over to the ClamAV for Windows site. Download and install it NOW.
This was posted on LinkedIn, referencing a C-Net article (link below)
Computer Security Alert affecting those of us that regularly use any of the following: GOOGLE, YAHOO, DRUDGE REPORT, FOX NEWS.
Here is a link to the full article in yesterday's CNET.
"Malware that exploits holes in popular applications is being delivered by big ad delivery platforms including those run by Yahoo, Fox, and Google, according to Prague-based antivirus firm Avast.
Viruses and other malware were found to be lurking in ads last year on high-profile sites like The New York Times and conservative news aggregator Drudge, and this year on Drudge, TechCrunch and The practice has been dubbed "malvertising."
Now, researchers at Avast are pointing fingers at some large ad delivery platforms including Yahoo's Yield Manager and Fox Audience Network's, which together cover more than 50 percent of online ads, and to a much smaller degree Google's DoubleClick. In addition, some of the malicious ads ended up on Yahoo and Google sites, Avast claims.
"It's not just the small players but the ad servers connected with Google and Yahoo have been infected and served up bad ads," said Lyle Frink, public relations manager for Avast.
The most compromised ad delivery platforms were Yield Manager and Fimserve, but a number of smaller ad systems, including Myspace, were also found to be delivering malware on a lesser scale, Avast Virus Labs said.
Found in ads delivered from those networks was JavaScript code that Avast dubbed "JS:Prontexi," which Avast researcher Jiri Sejtko said is a Trojan in script form that targets the Windows operating system. It looks for vulnerabilities in Adobe Reader and Acrobat, Java, QuickTime, and Flash and launches fake antivirus warnings, Sejtko said.
Users don't need to click on anything to get infected; a computer becomes infected after the ad is loaded by the browser, Avast said.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Tues 3/28 9:25 class....
Mosey on up to the lab - or you could get there earlier and get some
myiTlab work done!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Speaking of databases.......
So how did they count all those people pre-computers?
CLICK HERE to see the machines invented for the 1980 census - primarily because the 1880 census took almost 10 years to complete!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
CSC125 class for 3/2/10........
Fortunately I missed this same class LAST semester, and posted a slidecast of what I'd be covering today, so you can get the same info in the comfort of wherever-you-are. Feel free to have a latte while you think about me sitting at the repair shop!
Today's topic is about connecting additional stuff to your machine via the top 3 busses we use today: SATA, USB, Firewire. It's a tad out of date - USB3 has come out in the last couple of months, and some products are already available - but still very useful.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Apple Tablet [iPad]? Naah - this guy wants a "couchlet"
by Cameron Sturdevant
A short slideshow from an eWeek editor describing the device he'd REALLY like. Interesting to think about!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Stolen Laptop - a tool to use
stolen laptop. This will work with Macs, Linux, and Windows machines.
There's a video explaining Prey at
The software is located at
Might be worth a look!
Tom Rule
The MaconMacGuy
Computer help, training, Websites, Processes
Web Hosting under $4 a month
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Windows: Free Malware app from Microsoft
"Miscrosoft Security Essentials".
It is NOT the best thing out there, but works pretty well. It DOES "suck
up some CPU cycles" - i.e. when it's running your machine will slow down a
It is DEFINITELY better than running nothing - so if your subscription to
Norton or Symantec or whatever is running out, and you don't have the cash,
check it out.
for an article about it, with links to the download.
More details at
Download the product at
iPad links for class discussion
How will it affect Business? [article/podcast]
Apple's Video
Macworld Articles:
iPad announcement
Reaction - one positive, one negative!
Photo slideshow of the event announcement
Hands-on pictures
5 best surprises - epub, iWord, UNLOCKED prepaid 3g network, external kybd, prices
5 worst surprises - no vidcam, no multitasking, no Flash support, true GPS only on 3g models, video limitation
Live Updates - original article here
Red, Bold text are things I'll highlight in class.
10:06 PT -- Dan Moren: Jobs is on stage talking about some other topics. Talking about how well Apple is doing, including the iPhone.
10:06 PT -- DM: Apple is the #1 mobile device maker in the world.
10:06 PT -- DM: Wall Street Journal: "Last time there was this much excitement about a tablet, it had some commandments written on it."
10:07 PT - JS: Back in time to 1991 - first PowerBooks.
10:07 PT - JS: Now today, Apple reinvented the iPhone. And the iPhone 3GS, then. So all of us use laptops and smartphones now.
10:07 PT - DM: Is there room for a third category of device in the middle?
10:07 PT - JS: New device has to do stuff better than iPhone or laptop. Better at browsing, e-mail, photos, video, music, games, eBooks.
10:08 PT -- DM: Slow, low quality displays, run PC software. They're not better than a laptop at anything, just cheaper. We don't think they're the 3rd device.
10:08 PT -- DM: But Apple thinks it has something that is -- it's called the iPad. And look! Steve Jobs happens to have one on hand!
10:09 PT -- DM: It's a slate that looks like a larger iPhone. There's a home button, an aluminum bezel like a MacBook, a glass screen. Your able to personalize your home screen however you want. You can browse the Web with it -- Steve says it's the best browsing experience you've had.
10:09 PT -- DM: Phenomenal to see a whole web page right in front of you. Way better than a laptop, way better than a smartphone. Turn it up down sideways, automatically adjusts to whatever orientation you want. Holding the Internet in your hands; it's an incredible experience.
10:17 PT - DM: He's showing off the attachments in the e-mail. View wineries in Napa Valley or a Paris metro map. Looks a lot like the iPhone Mail client.
10:17 PT - JS: Sorry everyone - we were waylayed by the complete destruction of the (shocker) Verizon data network.
10:17 PT - DM: To send the message, just hit the compose button. He's typing on it like a standard QWERTY keyboard, just putting the tablet in his lap. I guess that answers the text entry question. Not sure you'd want to type on it for a long time, though.
10:18 PT - JS: Jobs is sitting in the armchair doing all this, to show us how easy this is. He's typing on the pad while it's on his lap.
10:18 PT - DM: Now looking at photos. You can turn in portrait or landscape and flick through the photos, just like on the phone. Grabs metadata from PC or Mac. If you're on a Mac, you can also get events, faces, and places from iPhoto. Look inside any album just by pinching it open. Scrub through them with a little bar at the bottom.
10:19 PT - DM: Events, Faces, and places. Shows a big map with pins in it. Tap and hold on the pin and see all the photos there. Tap on it to open the photos. There are built-in slideshows, so yo can bring up slideshow options and pick your transition. Just starts playing music and then flips through the images.
10:21 PT - DM: "You get the idea. Isn't that cool?" Now on to looking at music. The iPod interface looks a lot like the album view in iTunes on the Mac mixed slightly with the Cover Flow view on the phone.
10:23 PT - JS: Great calendar. week view, day view, month view, a lot like iCal, but it actually looks nicer...
10:23 PT - DM: (Sorry about the time travel!) Here's our current location in San Francisco. Typing in sushi to search and should find all the sushi places nearby. Tap on a pin. Tap Google street view and it shows you the restaurant. (How many people are going to stalk Steve at Sushi Boat?)
10:24 PT - DM: Video. Go to YouTube. Pick a clip called Wet and Woofy in HD on YouTube. IT's a surfing dog!
10:25 PT - JS: lots of use of tabbed interface with a pane or two. Really kind of a combo of Mac UI philosophy and iPhone UI.
10:25 PT - DM: Landscape mode for videos. Movies, TV shows, music videos. Tap on Modern Family, pick an episode and watch it. Or Star Trek, go to Chapters. The aspect ratio is a little weird; there are some pretty big letterbox black bars on top and bottom. Showing off Up. Double-tap to make it full screen if you want. That's video on the iPad.
10:27 PT - DM: A little bit of an overview as to what the iPad can do. Watching it is nothing like getting one in your hands. Feeling all of that right underneath your fingertips. Back to the hardware a little bit.
10:27 PT - DM: A half inch thin. Weighs just 1.5 pounds. Thinner and lighter than any netbook. 9.7 inch IPS display. Super high quality using IPS technology so you get great angle of view. Full capacitive multi-touch. 1GHz Apple A4 chip (Gruber laughs). Most advanced chip they've ever done; processor, graphics, I/O, and everything in one chip. 16GB, 32GB, or 64GB of flash solid state storage.
10:27 PT - JS: People don't like the iPad name but I think the connotations you're thinking of will drift away. iPod didn't mean anything either, but here we are.
10:29 PT - JS: That's the PA Semi chip there, Apple's own A4 chip.
10:29 PT - JS: 10 hours of battery life - key if you're going to sit on your couch with this. Or fly somewhere with it.
10:30 PT - DM: Arsenic free, BFR-free, mercury-free, PVC-free, highly recyclable. Now back to software.
10:30 PT - DM: We've seen some great built-in applications. But now let's talk about the App Store. Here's Scott Forstall, SVP iPhone Software.
10:31 PT - DM: Forstall: App Store has been a huge success. Launched a year and a half ago. Customers have already downloaded 3 billion apps choosing from among 140,000 apps. Built the iPad to run virtually every app unmodified right out of the box. Do that in two ways. Pixel-for-pixel accuracy in a black box in the middle of screen or automatically pixel double and run apps full screen.
10:32 PT - DM: Here are a number of apps from the store unmodified. Here's Facebook. Bottom right corner of the screen shows "2x". Tap on it and it automatically scales up to full screen. It all just works. Facebook uses a lot of text, photos and videos, but what about an app that really drives graphics, like a game?
10:32 PT - DM: ESPN's XGames SnoCross. Plays a video at the beginning. Video works great on the iPad. Skip the rest of the video and get to the game. Race in Arcade mode. IT's an OpenGL ES game, so it really drives graphics hardware. Unmodified right off the App Store.
10:34 PT - DM: Steering with acelerometer. 2X it looks pretty good. Tremendous frames. Having played some games on here, they're smooth and fun. There you go. Right out of the App Store unmodified.
10:35 PT - JS: Huge move by Apple to take advantage of the apps in the app store and get them on this device. It was really a must, and it instantly makes it more valuable.
10:34 PT - DM: Sounds like you can download all your iPhone apps right on to your iPad.
10:35 PT - DM: If developer spends some time modifying, they can take full advantage of the large touch-screen display. This is what Apple did with its own apps, like Music, Photos, etc. So, to that end, they've enhanced iPhone SDK to support development for iPad. SDK is being released today at
10:35 PT - DM: Develoepers can download today and get going. It even includes an iPad simulator so you can run your iPad apps right on your Mac as you develop them. We thinkit's going to be a whole new gold rush for developers. And of course, every iPad comes with App Store loaded up on it.
10:36 PT - DM: We're going to highlight and feature apps specifically built for iPad. They're going to put it front and center. Really excited about the possibilities for developers. So just about two weeks ago, they invited a few developers to iPad to Apple to give them a sneak peek and see what they could develop. Inviting a few on stage.
10:37 PT - DM: Gameloft is up first. One of the largest developers of games for iPhone and iPod touch. Over 60 games on the App Store downloaded over 55 million times. Mark Hickey is going to come up and show off some games.
10:37 PT - DM: Showing off Nova, a shooter. Can move the user interface wherever you want on the big screen. Added a minimap that you can stretch out. Slide two fingers across the screen to throw grenades. Multiple target acquistion system. Drag a targetting box around a group of enemies and then fire on all simultaneously. Definitely useful when you're outgunned and outnumbered. This is what they could do in just a few short days. You'll be able to see what else is in store when this version ships later this year.
10:39 PT - DM: Next up is The New York Times. Huge readership both nationally and internationally. One of the best Web news sites in the world. Inviting up Martin Nisenholtz to talk about the iPad plans.
10:40 PT - DM: Steve showed you the Times Website and it looks great, so why develop something else? They've optimized for iPhone, now want to do the same for the iPad. The best of print and digital all rolled into one.
10:40 PT - JS: This is the part where Apple saves the newspaper industry, right?
10:41 PT - DM: Captured the essence of the reading experience. Jump to sections, look at articles. Reading experience is great, tap to change number of columns, resize text at a pinch. Jump to sports to see latest Olympic coverage. Emebedded video. Can turn on updates to get breaking news in all the sections. Been at this for three weeks, and excited to pioneer new journalism.
10:43 PT - DM: Forstall: I already find myself reading my paper on the iPad in the morning using Safari. Can't wait to try this app.
10:45 PT - DM: Forstall: Imagine artist with a canvas this large. No paints, no easel, it's going to be incredible.
10:46 PT - JS: I was talking to someone yesterday who thought there might be a stylus component to this device. It didn't make sense to me then, and we didn't see it here -- artists using their fingers might seem like fingerpainting, but it eliminates any intermediate object between them and their art. Pretty cool.
10:46 PT - DM: Next up, Electronic Arts. Major supporter of iPhone since launch of App Store, with over 40 titles. #1 publisher of mobile games. Travis Boatman's here to show it off.
10:46 PT - DM: As gamers, the first thing we wanted to check out was performance. What better game than Need for Speed? Gorgeous 3D version of BMW displayed on huge display. Took them a very short time to get this up and running on the iPad; will be able to bring existing titles to iPad in no time. Building for the iPad is different: like holding an HDTV just inches from your face. Fully touch-enabled. Played with different interfaces. Tap on the car to see inside the car. Started adding new interface like the shifter and the mirror because there was so much real estate on the screen. Performance is really important.
10:48 PT - DM: Here's how fast this device really goes. Ramping up the speed. Okay, that's pretty fast. That's Need for Speed running on the iPad and you can expect more from EA soon.
10:49 PT - DM: Forstall: Last up is Official website of Major League Baseball and publisher of At Bat. That app has been downloaded nearly 2 million times, nearly 60 million videos. Here's Chad Evans to show off the iPad version.
10:49 PT - DM: Extremely excited to make something for the iPad. Didn't just want to make their app biger, wanted to create whole new experience. Live game experience with data from last April. Navigate league scoreboard across the top. Shows you every throw. Tap any player to flip open baseball card. Show video highlights while this is going on. Across the bottom you can see box score, field, line up, summary. Watch live with your choice of home or away announceres. Enhance with live data from while you watch.
10:51 PT - JS: Wow. I liked MLB At Bat before, but that was awesome. Amazing merging of game data and live video.
10:51 PT - DM: Forstall: I for one know that instead of carrying transistor radio, I'll be taking my iPad and this app. Very excited about the opportunities for devs to build amazing apps. Providing SDK today but while we wait for those apps to come out, can still run existing iPhone apps.
10:53 PT - JS: I KNEW iBook was coming back. Okay, partial credit.
10:53 PT - DM: Bookshelf of books, there's a button on upper left corner that's the Store. They've created the new iBook Store, fully integrated with the iBooks app. Download and purchase apps right on your iPad. Top chart list, NYT bestseller list. Five of the largest publisher: Penguin, HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, Macmillan, Hachette Boook Group. (Didn't see McGraw-Hill on that list!)
10:54 PT - DM: Here's a demo. Hitting the store button is like a secret passageway. It flips around. If you've used iTunes or the App Store, you're already familiar. Prices look like they very between $7.99 and $14.99. Buying Teddy Kennedy's memoir. You can get a sample if you want, but Steve's going to tap and buy. Downloads right onto the bookshelf. "It's just so simple." Just tap if you want to read. Tap anywhere on the right fo flip forward, on the left to flip back. Drag page if you want to slowly turn the page. Go to Table of Contents and pick a chapter.
10:56 PT - DM: Photos, black and white, color, video in your books. Change the font size if you want, bigger or smaller. Change the font: Baskerville, Cochin, Palatino, Times New Roman, Verdana. That's iBooks. a
10:57 PT - JS: We didn't see any hyphenation in iBooks, and it was all force-justified text. I wonder if those will be options.
10:57 PT - DM: All in one really great app. Using epub format. Most popular open book format in the world. Very very excited. Think iPad will be a terrific e-book reader for poular books and textbooks.
10:58 PT - DM: So here's Phil Schiller to talk about iWork on the iPad.
10:59 PT - DM: Schiller: iWork is a suite of applications that millions and millions of our customers really love. Home, business, and school customers can do word processing, presentations, and spreadsheets. Can you bring this software to a multi-touch product.
10:59 PT - DM: Completely new version of Keynote designed just for the iPad. Complete new version of Pages—the most beautiful word processor that you will ever see. And Numbers: a spreadsheet that is fun and cool to use—when's the last time someone told you that? And Phil's going to give us a demo.
11:00 PT - DM: Keynote first. Keynote runs in landscape because slides are designed horizontally. First thing you see is slide library. Presentations that we've created in Keynote. Tap a button to create a new presentation, access to tempates. Choose one and you get the layout. Menu items on top and slide navigator on the left. Scroll with your finger to move around the slide navigator. Go to a slide? Just tap on it. Text, tables, charts.
11:02 PT - JS: I assume that Amazon will be allowed to build its own app for iPad, as it has for iPhone. So there may be an outlet for Kindle owners.
11:01 PT - DM: How do you move a slide around in the navigator without a keyboard or mouse? Tap and hold, drag it wherever you want and now you've rearranged your slide. Can select multiple slides by tapping and holding and then tapping additional slides. Here's a slide with images: how do you get those in? Grab them from your photo albums with a media navigator. Drag your photo where you want. To resize, grab a handle and start resizing. Want to match size? While resizing tap another photo and it matches. Want to do a mask? Just tap and pan around.
11:03 PT - DM: What else? Animations. Tap the animation mode. Tap an animation, and you can choose one and it previews it. With just a finger you're doing very advanced slide animation techniques. Hit the play button and we're presenting. Tap or swipe to go forward.
11:04 PT - JS: The more I see about this device, the more I start to think that Apple really does want you to replace your laptop with this thing. At least for some tasks that people currently use laptops for because there's been no other option.
11:04 PT - DM: So that's Keynote. Let's look at Pages. Same sort of set up at the beginning: a library of documents, and access to templates. Scroll through the text. Tap anywhere and up comes a keyboard. And there's a ruler—The most beautiful ruler you've ever seen! says Phil. New tool called Page Navigator. Hold finger on the right and it brings up a loupe that lets you skim through your pages. Automatic text wrap around a graphic. Tap and drag an image around and it automatically reflows text. Tap the info button to bring down control panel to change text styles.
11:06 PT - DM: And last, Numbers. Library of spreadsheets, templates. Tabs along the top: one doc can hold many spreadsheets. Here's what you can do without a keyboard and mouse. Rearrange columns by tapping and and dragging. Move the columns to the end of the table and it auomatically updates linked chart.
11:07 PT - DM: What about adding new rows of data and adding a subtotal? Tap button bottom left to add column and then double tap to bring up specific keyboard for data entry. Access to numbers, forumulas and functions, and text. Just want to add a sum on the coumn. Tap the SUM button and it automatically figures out the formula needed. Then just tap the green checkbox and we're done. If you want to fill that across all of them. You could copy and paste, but it's faster to just fill (uses same pop-up style menu as Copy/passte on the iPhone I note). Change style of graphs.
11:09 PT - JS: All this entry does make us ask the question, are you expected to type only on this device, or is there some sort of external keyboard option from Apple? Because if I could take iWork with me on the road, I might not want to type that entire Pages document by touchscreen.
11:09 PT - DM: Drag a slice out of the pie chart to just highlight part of a chart. Create a form from a spreadsheet with just a tap. So that's a quick look at iWork on the iPad.
11:10 PT - JS: That form view is very Bento-like. Interesting.
11:10 PT - DM: Shows the power of the iPad to take difficult and advanced applications. So what are we going to charge? Just $9.99 each for applications. Three completely new apps, with new user interfaces, compatible with iWork on the Mac. Easily connect to projectors (aha!). Buy on the App Store, right from the App Store.
11:11 PT - DM: Steve's back. The iPad syncs with iTunes on your Mac/PC just like the iPhone or iPod touch. Sync Photos, Music, Movies, TV shows, Contacts, Claendars, Bookmarks, Applications. Backups are synced back. Ever lose your iPad and get another one, restore it right from the backup.
11:12 PT - DM: Let's talk about wireless networking. Every iPad has Wi-Fi, but we're also going to have models with 3G cellular wireless data built in as well. Now, what does it cost for the data plans? In the US, telecoms charge about $60 a month for data plans for laptop. We got a real breakthrough here, two awesome plans for iPad owners. First one gives you up to 250MB a month. Most people will get by on that: just $14.99. Unlimited data if you feel you need more, for just $29.99. Breakthrough deal with AT&T. (Yes, it's AT&T people.) And free use of Wi-Fi hotpots all throughout US.
11:14 PT - DM: Now how do you turn this on and manage it? Don't have to go to store, just activate it on iPad. No contract: it's pre-pay (somebody seriously just gave a whistle to that). Cancel anytime. We think it's phenomenal.
11:15 PT - DM: Hope to have international deals in place by June/July. Gonna start on that tomorrow. All iPad 3G models are unlocked and use new GSM micro SIMs. So if carriers use micro SIMs, the existing iPad will just work.
11:18 PT - JS: It's interesting, the flexibility they've built in here, and that's a very good deal that they've struck with AT&T. But what will it mean for possibly doing carrier-subsidized prices?
11:17 PT - DM: What should we price it at? If you listen to the pundits we're going to price it at $999. When we set out to develop the iPad we not only had very ambitious technical goals and user interface goals, but we had a very aggressive price goal. We want to put this in the hands of lots of people. And just like we were able to meet or exceed our technical goals, we have met our pricing goals. Starts at $499!
11:19 PT - JS: That's huge. Did anyone expect it to start at $499? I am starting to think they will sell a ton of these at that price.
11:18 PT - DM: At $499 a lot of people can afford an iPad. $499 for 16GB is the base model. For 32GB it's $100 more, for another $100 you get 64GB of storage. The 3G models cost an extra $130 to build in radios. $629, $729, $829. These are the six models. The most expensive model is just $829. Unbelievable price.
11:20 PT - DM: When can you get your hands on one? 60 days, worldwide availability. Another 30 days to get 3G models through approval process, so about 90 days for 3G models. Soon you will be able to get an iPad in your hands for just $499.
11:20 PT - DM: Really great accessories as well. There's a dock! Why is that so interesting? When you're in lock screen, it puts you in the slideshow, so you have a great picture frame. Another dock WITH A KEYBOARD. Just slide your iPad into it. Charge your iPad and if you need to do a lot of typing, this is the way to go. Third accessory is a really nice case, doubles as a stand for typing, or watching video.
11:22 PT - DM: We made a video to put on the Web, here it is on the big screen.
11:22 PT - DM: Jony Ive!
11:27 PT - JS: Monitoring The Twitter, I see a lot of people blown away by the price here, and also a bunch of people sold on the keyboard. Fraser Spiers, a Mac developer and a schoolteacher, says the 16GB wi-fi only model with keyboard extra makes it an amazing product for education.
11:30 PT - DM: Steve's back. Do we have what it takes to establish a 3rd product? The bar's pretty high. It's got to be far better at doing some key things like browsing, email, photos, etc. We think we got the goods. We think we've done it. We're so excited about this product. Another thing we're so excited about is because we've shipped over 75 million iPhones/iPod touches, all those people already know how to use the iPad.
11:31 PT - JS: Interesting that there was no mention of magazines or newspapers in the iBookstore segment. That suggests to me that for publishers of periodicals, app development is going to be the way to go.
11:31 PT - DM: We have the iTunes Store, App Store, and now the iBookstore. Over 125 million accounts with credit cards. All enabled for one-click shopping on all these stores. Over 12 billion downloads from these stores. Ready for the iPad. Now the iPad, to sum up "Our most advanced technology in a magical & revolutionary device at an unbelievable price." We think this is going to be a really great combination.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Parallels Desktop (for the Mac folks)
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