Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Word Capstone 4 - Got a Mic?

There's a section that asks you to record some audio inside a Word doc. If you have a mic, please do that. If you don't, put a sentence to that affect somewhere where I'll easily see it.

If you tried a whole bunch of times to get it to work, and still couldn't (probably because audio on Windows can be seriously aggravating) - tell me your saga inside the document.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Advice List (4/6/10 edit)

  1. DO NOT SAVE your projects to your computer (unless it's YOUR computer!). Save to a flash/thumb drive.
  2. If you don't have a flash/thumb drive - go get one NOW. You'll need it. Go to Target or a dollar store or Walmart and get a real cheap (i.e. small) one. They are available all over creation online.
  3. BACKUP EVERYTHING. Emailing the files to yourself (especially webmail - yahoo, gmail, hotmail) is a cheap way to backup stuff. Stash it in a folder in your email client.
  4. Grades - the online gradebooks in myITlab are only used for getting your scores. Download the Excel workbook provided and type in your numbers to see where you stand.
  5. I often put comments in myITlab about your grade. Click on the grade in the gradebook to see them.
  6. USE THE FACEBOOK group to complain - ask questions - etc. If you aren't a member, go join. You MUST be in the "Mercer" network in order to see it. Click on your name at the top to see what networks you're in.
  7. These projects take LONGER THAN YOU THINK. Don't wait until 2 days before to start. Best process:
    Chapter 1: myITlab training.
    myITlab test.
    Capstone project.
    Then Chapter 2, etc.
  8. On the "Outside miniprojects" make sure you read and follow the directions, especially in terms of what you are to submit. You WILL lose points if you don't follow the instructions!

Blackboard: (used some semesters, but not all)
When submitting a project, if you don't see the little "computer" icon that lets you upload a file, then there is a problem with java. Some suggestions:
  1. Quit everything else other than your web browser.
  2. Reboot.
  3. Update your system.
  4. Completely shutdown your machine and try again.
If your machine is being particularly difficult, email the file(s) to my Mercer account - but included a note explaining what you're sending and why). If you can get it to submit later, great! If not, I'll know you submitted it in time, and will just grade the emailed version.

myITlab Tests & Such:
  1. On occasion you'll get an error when trying to download a capstone project file (something to the effect of "file does not exist"). This means the website and your machine are aruging [specifically, your java installation is either out of date or has gone insane]. Quit out of Internet Explorer, and try again. If that doesn't work, reboot. if THAT doesn't wortk, contact tech support (or ask me in class).
  2. When taking a test, if you have an incorrect answer - RESET. It keeps the software sane.
  3. READ the instructions carefully. An extra space in an answer means it's incorrect - it's a stupid computer, after all!

  1. When the myITlab exam asks you to move a graphic to a particular spot (2 inches from the left, for example), USE NUMBERS. Don't try to drag it into place - the thing is much too persnickety for that to work well.
  2. myITlab exam 1, last question. It asks you to have Excel show your formulas instead of teh results (which normally can be done with a keyboard shortcut). myITlab doesn't like the keyboard shortcut - press the ribbon button instead. 
  3. On the test question that wants you to resize a graphic - Call up the dialog that lets you resize/position a graphic. You'll be changing the width and height, but there's a catch:
    Change the width, click the height box.
    You should see the graphic change.
    Change the height, THEN CLICK IN THE WIDTH BOX.
    The graphic should again change - only then click the OK(?) button.
  4. PPT Capstone 3 calls for a specific smart art. Sadly, the name has been changed. You can find it at Relationship-->Target List in the smart art collection
  5. When the instructions call for "3D Style 6" - select a 3D style of your choice. They aren't numbered anymore. Bottom line - I want to know if YOU know how to make it 3D.
  1. Capstones - DO NOT click the file to download (you'll likely get a "file does not exist" error, or it will create other problems). RIGHT-CLICK and save the file to your flash drive.
  2. When you open an Access database, the system creates a "lock" file - extension .laccdb. THIS IS NOT THE PROJECT! Do not submit that file! To minimize confusion, quit out of the database before submitting the file.
  3. Capstone 4:
    Do not set the report up to automatically adjust fields to fit everything on one page.
    Once you go to wide column format and look at the report on two pages, you will see the check amount waaaay over on the far right.
    C) As far as the style, the capstone specifies "Corporate", which no longer exists. Select a style (such as "Office" or "Northwind") that has Title in the sample screen, on the left. (Some styles don't).
    You have to resize things in DESIGN/LAYOUT VIEW to get everything back onto one page.
    As far as the moving of the CheckDate, click on the CheckDate field in layout view, right click the mouse, and at the bottom of the dropdown menu there is an option to "reorder" things and move them up or down.
    F) One of the instructions says to make the SSN field narrower. The problem is that you can't see the SS number as it is. Make it so that you can see the ENTIRE SSN for each employee.
    G) Move everything around so it all fits on one page - you'll have to do that manually.
  1. One of the capstone projects asks for a footer in "Page X of Y" format. This is NOT a separate format that's automatically done. You set the footer at the correct tab stop, type in the word "Page", insert the page number, type in the word "of" then insert the number of pages in the document.
  2. Subdocuments: myItlab does NOT do a great job of explaining these. There are a TON of websites that do an excellent job, however. I STRONGLY suggest you google up one of them. Remember how to search intelligently?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Word Capstone Projects Concept List

These are things you should pay special attention to as you run through the myITlab material. This info is also posted in Blackboard - inside the "Class PPTs" folder.

Capstone 1
1. Autotext
2. Margins – settings
3. Horizontal line
4. Centering Horizontally / Vertically
5. Page numbers in footer
6. Find / Replace
7. Spell / Grammar check

Capstone 2
1. Font / Size / Style
2. Format Painter
3. Tabs – modifying, setting
4. Line Spacing
5. Border / Shading
6. Breaks – Page, Section, Column
7. AUTO Table of Contents
8. Index Entry

Capstone 3
1. Tables – column/row insert/delete/move
2. WordArt – create, edit
3. Functions in table (sum, etc)
4. Format pattern

Capstone 4

1. Track Changes
2. Audio Comment
3. Reject/Accept Changes
4. Compare/Combine
5. Insert Subdocument
6. Hyperlink

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Word assignments & Misc notes

Thursday I'll be doing the final "parts and pieces" presentation. Hopefully Thursday the 2nd "outside" project will be be posted on Blackboard as well. The third will follow later on this month - and if you were in class today you know what that one will be.

myITlab Word exams are due on Fri 12/5 at 10:59 pm (NOTE THE TIME CHANGE). Save yourself some headaches - get 'em done early.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Access Capstone last minute note

#1) As stated in class numerous times, AND in the blog - add a new warranty order with your name on it even though there's already one there. That means there will be THREE in the DB, not two.

If you resubmit, change the filename so I'll know which one to look at.

I haven't seen any obvious issues with Capstone #2. I'll add another entry if I see anything consistent for #3 and #4.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Access Capstone #4

Some Tips from the Access Master (which would NOT be your instructor!):

1. Do not set the report up to automatically adjust fields to fit everything on one page
2. Once you go to wide column format and look at the report on two pages, you will see the check amount on the far right.
3. You have to resize things in DESIGN VIEW to get everything back onto one page.
4. As far as the moving of the CheckDate, click on the CheckDate field in layout view, right click the mouse, and at the bottom of the dropdown menu there is an option to "reorder" things and move them up or down.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Access deadline approacheth! (schedule note)

Remember that we WILL have class next Tuesday (11/4) but NOT Thursday 11/6. The Access deadline in Sun 11/9 - but I will be totally out of contact from Tuesday afternoon 11/4 until Monday morning 11/10.

So if you have questions, you have to ask them before next Tuesday afternoon! If you do have questions that a classmate might be able to answer, send an email to the google group.

PLEASE, everyone, help out your fellow students if something comes up!

As before, you'll be able to turn in the assignment on late (until Monday 11:59 pm), but with a score penalty.

If you're bored, you can see the band I'll be playing with on youtube. See the Joey Stuckey band clips on THIS PLAYLIST.

Access Capstone 4 note

There is one change to the instructions - make sure you read the on-screen instructions where it is listed.

I've also added a screenshot of the report you will create - you will need to fiddle around with the report settings to create that particular format!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Multi-service Chat applications

Useful for chatting online, because they handle multiple services (AIM, Yahoo, MSN, ICQ, etc all are different. A few years ago you had to use separate applications to access each one - not so much anymore)

For Windows: I like Pidgin, but Trillian is also good.
For Macs: Fire

All of these are free. Trillian does have a "Pro" version with additional features.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Something to check, a word of advice, & a warning

Something to check:
If you've already submitted an Excel Capstone project, please go into Blackboard and see if your submission is still valid. If it isn't, resubmit.

I added some instructions to the projects, and I get a warning message - but I am not clear on how that affects files already submitted. Please let me know what happened!

A Word of Advice:
Do NOT wait until October 9th to start these projects. They WILL take a long time to figure out.

Once you've done myITlab chapter One, then work on Capstone Project 1. etc. etc.

Your brain will thank you.

I WILL take points off for late projects (you can actually turn it in 23 hours past the deadline).
I will NOT tell you when you submitted a shortcut instead of the actual file this time - your grade will just be a zero on that one.

Excel Capstone Changes!

Found a couple more errors or unclear things in the Excel Capstone projects.

Excel Capstone 1:
The top paragraph mentions having a monthly income of $1800 - but the data sheet you're given has $1600. Ignore the $1800 figure - use $1600.

Excel Capstone 2 (these have already been covered in class):
In the datasheet you download, delete the line that says "Pinder 319765 30".
Step H says to use an IF function to calculate your bonus if 2 more Excaliburs were sold. Do NOT use an IF statement for this - not necessary!

Excel Capstone 3:
Step C: "Calculate the total sales for each store" - i.e. figure out the number of tapes rented at each store
Step D: Calculate not only gross profit and cost of sales for all teh stores combined, BUT ALSO for each individual store.

Excel Capstone 4:
The instructions don't tell you WHERE to put those charts. Please put them in a new worksheet - that'll save me some scrolling around as I grade 240 projects!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Note re: Excel Capstone 2

I'm going to put a note on this in the Capstone project, but:

Step H tells you to use an IF function to calculate your bonus if you sold two more Excaliburs. For this, you do NOT need an IF function! You just add up the sales as if you sold 2 more, then calculate the bonus.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

myITlab: Ch. 2 Project Exam - ERROR TO NOTE

On the first TWO questions, the lab has you type in a formula to calculate the cost of a trip, including insurance, and including taxes.

It doesn't like it if you type in
=(F4*$B$11) + F4
(where F4 is a total, and B11 is the tax or insurance rate)

It DOES like it if you type
=F4 + (F4 * $B$11)

Yes, they give the same result in Excel. myITlab just doesn't like it.
Make a note of this before you start that exam!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Notes re: Capstone projects

PPT 1 & 2 have now been graded and posted.

CHECK YOUR GRADE! I have had a few people send in shortcuts instead of their file (remember, shortcuts have a .lnk extension, while powerpoint files have a .pptx extension).

If indeed you did that, you have until the next clas to email me your file. Send to my MERCER email account, please, and indicate which section you're in (stet or csb). That will save me some time!

I was also surprised at the number of people who turned in nothing. This is not a good way to keep your gpa up.

Now that we are in the swing of things, some "rules of the road" and some fatherly advice:
  1. You know what the due date is. (Check the syllabus or a previous blog entry). It ain't gonna change. Plan around it.
  2. If something comes up, email me. Never hurts to ask for dispensation (go look it up).
  3. TRIPLE-check what you are submitting BEFORE you hit the submit button.
  4. You can still submit files for 24 hours after the deadline. For powerpoint I didn't take any points off. From now on, however, turning in late costs you 15% - i.e. 3.4 ould be the highest grade you can make on that project.
  5. Once it's closed, it's closed. I ain'ta gonna accept 'em no more - unless there was blood, a hospital, or suspender-wearing kangaroos involved. (Seriously, if there's a major life thing happening, let me know)
  6. QUADRUPLE-check yourself as you create the project. Follow the instructions!
  7. NEVER EVER trust the numebrs. Quintuple-check them.
  8. To err is human. To really screw things up takes a computer. This is extra true for Capstone projects.

Useful Thing Presentation List & Schedule (11/09/10 update)

Useful Thing of the Day Presentation Signup

10:40 STET

Already Covered [or already spoken for]

Galileo [Tarver Library online resource]
Yahoo Answers
owl.english.purdue.edu [Purdue Online Writing lab]
Easybib.com - as in bibliography
SuperCook.com - recipes and more
DayTrotter.com - indy band site
datpiff.com - mixtape site
iGoogle - custom start page
freerice.com - help out  hungry people

331Steven VGreg C
Pun B
Brad A
Olivia W
Scott C
Tremayne W
Melissa Lam
Joey U
Michael L
Anthony SWole' O
135-OctOctLucie P

1512Ben NNikki A: StumbleUpon
1614Jonathan C
1719John AJack M
1821Shardae SMichael H
1926Bradley H
2028Shelley Osborne
Daniel QMichael L
Charlie FMichael E
Chris C
Jasmine D
Toby ODerek W
Kristal H
Varnica SNicoleta M.
292-DecMarilyn F
30 7 Camila N
31 9
9:25 CSB

Already Covered [or spoken for]

iPhone Apps
ESPN Mobile
Google Apps inventor

2 Aug 26

Chih C
Victoria F

Jeffrey C
Taylor C


Colin B
147Cole M
1512Cassie R
1614Jibri B
1719Tom O

1926Tin N
2028Chandler B
Hannah T
Sara Hyde
Stephanie C
Luke K
Chandra BEvan B
Hunter S
Jarett Z

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Groove, OneNote demos


Check to see if you have these tools by going to Start-->Microsoft Office, and look for Groove and oneNote in the list. These are NOT mandatory - but if you have them, it would be good to know what they do!



These tools are good tools when researching and collaborating on a project. The CSB labs are all equipped with them - however, I'd suggest NOT using them in the labs, since the data is stored on the individual PC. I presume the Stetson labs have it as well.

My initial impression is that Groove is used for teams to work together. OneNote is used more by an individual to keep a whole bunch of stuff organized - and it integrates with Outlook quite nicely (especially if you use Outlooks calendar and task lists).

Monday, September 15, 2008

I don't have Office 07 - What do I do?

I had someone in a situation where they were needed to work on a Capstone proejct away from their "areas", and the computers inq uestion only had Office 03 on them.

Microsoft has a "compatibility pack" that can be downloaded and installed into Office 03 so that it can read and write Office 07 files (docx, xlsx, pptx, etc.). Granted, this information would not have helped the person in question this last weekend (because the computers wqere probably locked down, and they would not have been able to do any installs).

The Office 2007 Converters are located here.

There are also a TON of additional downloads/extensions/spare parts you can add to Office 03 AND 07.

Surf to Office.microsoft.com --> Downloads
Scroll down, click on the "Office 2003" or "Office 2007" tab.

You should see a bunch of stuff you can download. For Office 07,. I STRONGLY suggest you download the PDF thing - it will add the capability of saving your do as a PDF file, very handy when mailing something to someone who doesn't have Office, and you just want them to read it (not make changes).

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Capstone Project Grading & about all the electronic gradebooks

1. Regardless of what Blackboard says, the Capstone projects will be graded on a scale of FOUR points.
4 = Fairly close to perfect
3 = Some problems noted
2 = Some serious problems noted
1 = Your turned a file in, but there wasn't much there
0 = You turned nothing in.
When I see problems I'll add a note to to your entry. If you don't know where to find that, let me know and I'll demo it in class.
All of the original projects that were copied over to my sections were marked as being worth 3 points. I decided to make it a 4 point scale, but this was after several people had already done some of the Powerpoint projects. If I change the scoring on those projects, those people would lose their entries - and I thought it would be less hassle just to leave them alone. All of the projects beginning with Excel and later are marked as being worth 4 points.
Bottom line is that the Blackboard gradebook will say your score is 4 out of 3 - when it reality it would be 4 out of 4.

2. You've noticed, I'm sure, that there is a gradebook inside myITlab, AND one in Blackboard. Use these ONLY to keep track of your individual scores on an individual project. Pay no attention to the "averages", "final grade", etc. I am NOT using either gradebook.

"Real Soon Now" I will be posting to Blackboard an Excel spreadsheet for you to use to track your grades. It is MUCH easier for me to set that up compared to setting up either of the web-based gradebooks. I'll post a blog entry when that happens.

Powerpoint Capstone Project Errors/Problems

Here is an admittedly rough outline of the problems we've found in the Powerpoint Capstone projects:

  1. Project 2 - After downloading and renaming "Business Growth Design Template", the instructions tell you to use the template named "Business Growth". That actually means to use the thing you just downloaded as your template.
  2. Project 2 - there are several places where you are told to download a specific piece of clip art - generally it is difficult to find what they specify, especially since the text they tell you to search for includes the file extension with no period (i.e. WMF). Solution: Search for those particular words. Select a piece of clip art that fits - your choice.
  3. Project 2, step 5d - There IS a "Calibri Opulent" font scheme. Note this is not a font, but a font scheme.
  4. Project 3, step 2e - pastel mustard color. Think mustard at the grocery store, and pick a color kinda close.
  5. Project 3, step 2e - "3D Style 7 shadow effect". This is vague, because there are 2 places to select 3D shapes, and none of them are labeled "Style 7". Solution: Pick some sort of 3 dimensional shape that proves to me you know how to put a 3D shape with a shadow.
  6. Project 3, step 4h - "grey fill radiant". This is deep in "Huh?" territory. Let's change this to "fill with a gray gradiant of some sort. Make it look nice."

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Microsoft Office 2007

Some links discussing how Office has changed from the previous versions.


MS "Fluent" user interface

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

CPU - Processor overview

This article has a great overview of the various processors that are available for home computers. It isn't comprehensive - it leaves out the laptop-specific processors, for example - but does a great job anyway.
