Monday, September 29, 2008

Excel Capstone Changes!

Found a couple more errors or unclear things in the Excel Capstone projects.

Excel Capstone 1:
The top paragraph mentions having a monthly income of $1800 - but the data sheet you're given has $1600. Ignore the $1800 figure - use $1600.

Excel Capstone 2 (these have already been covered in class):
In the datasheet you download, delete the line that says "Pinder 319765 30".
Step H says to use an IF function to calculate your bonus if 2 more Excaliburs were sold. Do NOT use an IF statement for this - not necessary!

Excel Capstone 3:
Step C: "Calculate the total sales for each store" - i.e. figure out the number of tapes rented at each store
Step D: Calculate not only gross profit and cost of sales for all teh stores combined, BUT ALSO for each individual store.

Excel Capstone 4:
The instructions don't tell you WHERE to put those charts. Please put them in a new worksheet - that'll save me some scrolling around as I grade 240 projects!

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