Thursday, September 11, 2008

Powerpoint Capstone Project Errors/Problems

Here is an admittedly rough outline of the problems we've found in the Powerpoint Capstone projects:

  1. Project 2 - After downloading and renaming "Business Growth Design Template", the instructions tell you to use the template named "Business Growth". That actually means to use the thing you just downloaded as your template.
  2. Project 2 - there are several places where you are told to download a specific piece of clip art - generally it is difficult to find what they specify, especially since the text they tell you to search for includes the file extension with no period (i.e. WMF). Solution: Search for those particular words. Select a piece of clip art that fits - your choice.
  3. Project 2, step 5d - There IS a "Calibri Opulent" font scheme. Note this is not a font, but a font scheme.
  4. Project 3, step 2e - pastel mustard color. Think mustard at the grocery store, and pick a color kinda close.
  5. Project 3, step 2e - "3D Style 7 shadow effect". This is vague, because there are 2 places to select 3D shapes, and none of them are labeled "Style 7". Solution: Pick some sort of 3 dimensional shape that proves to me you know how to put a 3D shape with a shadow.
  6. Project 3, step 4h - "grey fill radiant". This is deep in "Huh?" territory. Let's change this to "fill with a gray gradiant of some sort. Make it look nice."

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